Some podcasts are available via RSS feeds, so you can get notified of new episodes, so the best way I’ve found so far to automate this procedure is to use the utility flexget.

Flexget can download a RSS feed and get the .torrent files associated to them and store locally, which makes a perfect fit for later using Transmission’s watch folder, to automatically add them to your download queue.

In order to do so, install flexget either via pip (pip install flexget) or using a package for your distribution and create a configuration file similar to this:

cat ~/.flexget/config.yml

    rss: http://URL/TO/YOUR/PODCAST/FEED
    all_series: yes
    only_new: yes
    download: /media/watch/

At each invocation of flexget execute it will access the RSS feed, search for new files and store the relevant .torrent files on the folder /media/watch from where transmission will pick up the new files and add them to your downloading queue for automatic download.

Enjoy! (and if you do, you can Buy Me a Coffee )