In order to test IPv6 deployment on Dell hardware I was in need to patch the servers to ensure that UEFI boot mode is in use.

Normally I would had use the DSU that runs from within Linux, but as the servers are part of an OpenShift installation (using baremetal-deploy) and using CoreOS as the underlying system I wanted to load ISO from HTTP server on the deployhost (running RHEL).

The command is not that hard, let’s first define some variables:


Now, let’s attach the ISO file:

racadm  -r ${IDRACIP}  -u ${IDRACUSER} -p ${IDRACPASS} remoteimage -c -l ${ISOURL}

Once done, we should check status with:

racadm  -r ${IDRACIP}  -u ${IDRACUSER} -p ${IDRACPASS} remoteimage -s

Once finished, let’s disconnect:

racadm  -r ${IDRACIP}  -u ${IDRACUSER} -p ${IDRACPASS} remoteimage -d

And then, verify the status again:

racadm  -r ${IDRACIP}  -u ${IDRACUSER} -p ${IDRACPASS} remoteimage -s

Hope It’s useful for you!