Some years ago, I added a script for updating headers for (C) in the python files I was developing for Risu.

In this way, the header got the list of authors and years working on the files updated automatically.

With the pass of the years, the list started to became a bit too long, so I worked on creating code for getting ranges instead.

This is the code I used:

def getranges(data):
    From list of strings representing numbers, get ranges and return list of strings
    :param data: list of strings representing numbers
    :return: list of strings with number ranges when > 1

    # Convert to integers
    data = [int(i) for i in data]

    result = []
    if not data:
        return result

    # Prepare iteration loop
    idata = iter(data)
    first = prev = next(idata)
    first = first
    prev = prev

    # Process next item
    for following in idata:
        if following - prev == 1:
            # Years are continuum, just update previous
            prev = following
            # Years are not continuum, end range and start again
            if first == prev:
                if first + 1 == prev:
                    # Only one item in difference, append items individually
                    result.append("%s-%s" % (first, prev))
            first = prev = following

    # Catchall for regular execution or last remaining range

    if first == prev:
        if first + 1 == prev:
            # Only one item in difference, append items individually
            result.append("%s-%s" % (first, prev))

    # Convert back to text
    result = [str(i) for i in result]
    return result

With it, previous headers like:

# Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Pablo Iranzo Gómez <[email protected]>

Now appear as:

# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Pablo Iranzo Gómez <[email protected]>

Enjoy! (and if you do, you can Buy Me a Coffee )