AwesomeSlides for converting LibreOffice ODP into revealjs

Introduction For some time now, I wanted to put the presentations I did in the past to be available, and since I’ve added support to my blog to render revealjs slides, I wanted to also put other presentations that I did in the past, probably (or for sure) outdated, but that were sitting in my computer drive. The presentations already got several transformations, but in the actual status they are stored as LibreOffice ODP files, that made it a bit difficult. ...

January 22, 2019 · 3 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Fixing pelican revealjs plugin

Introduction After my recent talk about blog-o-matic, I was trying to upload somewhere the slides I used. Since some time ago I started using Reveal-MD, so I could use Markdown to create and show slides, but wanted also a way to upload them for consumption. Pelican-revealmd plugin seemed to be the answer. It does use pypandoc library and ‘pandoc’ for doing the conversion. The problems found After some test, it had 3 issues: ...

January 20, 2019 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Blog-o-Matic - quickly get a GitHub hosted blog with Pelican, Elegant with little setup steps.

Introduction I’ve already covered some articles about automation with Travis-CI, GitHub, and one step that seems a show-stopper for many users when trying to build a website is on one side, the investment (domain, hosting, etc), the backend being used (WordPress, static generators, etc)… While preparing a talk for a group of co-workers covering several of those aspects, I came with the idea to create Blog-o-Matic, implementing many of those ’learnings’ in a ‘canned’ way that can be easy to consume by users. ...

January 9, 2019 · 1 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

How to automate via Travis CI publishing of new pelican pages to GitHub pages

Background Elegant theme for pelican has been undergoing a big change from individual-driven effort to community, as part of this, one of the tasks to accomplish, has been the decoupling from author blog to project site for documentation. As we wanted this process to be both automated and allowed us to demonstrate via eat-your-own-dog-food that the theme works and how it looks, the idea was to automate the rendering of Pelican website with new documents. ...

December 7, 2018 · 4 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

New blog rendering engine: Pelican

As always, I don’t usually find myself keen to write about things I do, until I later realize they might be helpful for others, and that’s why in the past I decided to switch the place I was putting the information about why did to Github and also, take benefit of practicing markdown for writing the entries. At that time, I moved my old blog posts to markdown to be used in conjunction with Jekyll and to use OctoPress as the engine rendering the contents into a static website. The setup and migration was not difficult, but still require to use some ruby, while I was more familiar with Python. ...

June 3, 2016 · 1 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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