How to check if a system is virtual

I was improving a playbook in Ansible and wanted to find a way to find if a system was virtual or not to decide about some tunning like setting tuned-adm profile virtual-guest or disable the power off when the lid is closed. After some research and try-except situations I got to this one that seemed to work (I had to tune it as one desktop machine was missing the /sys entry I was using before): ...

May 10, 2021 · 3 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Argos extension writing for Gnome3

I was using from time ago this extension for Gnome named Argos which allows to create useful data views using scripts written in whatever language of choice available, bash included. So far I had just a simple extension writing a UNICODE character, but with the suggestion of my colleague Javi Ramírez, I decided to use the motivational idea to write a simple script to calculate how much you’ve earned so far in the day and show that information at a glance on your menu bar. ...

June 27, 2019 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Quay for Federation

Why this article? For Federation of OpenShift/Kubernetes clusters we want not only to demo some applications, but build a solution that covers all that will be needed in a real-world deployment. Colleagues in the Solutions Engineering team have been working on demonstrating an application running on different clusters over a Federated Control Plane, allowing it to ‘roam’ between clusters with shared data access as a way to demonstrate how an application can ‘scale’ from on-premise deployment to external clouds in order to satisfy business requirements for peak demands. ...

January 8, 2019 · 8 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Filtering email with imapfilter

Since some time ago, email filter management was not scaling for me as I was using server-side filtering, I had to deal with the web-based interface which was missing some elements like drag&drop reordering of rules, cloning, etc. As I was already using offlineimap to sync from the remote mail server to my system into a maildir folder, I had almost all the elements I needed. After searching for several options imapfilter seemed to be a perfect fit, so I started with a small set of rules and start integration with my email process. ...

August 28, 2015 · 6 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

RHEV-M with nested VM for OSP

Since some time ago, I’ve been mostly dealing with OpenStack, requiring different releases to test for different tests, etc. Virtualization, as provided by KVM requires some CPU flags to get accelerated operations, vmx and svm depending on your processor architecture, but, of course, this is only provided on bare-metal. In order to get more flexibility at the expense of performance, nestedvt allows to expose those flags to the VM’s running at the hypervisor so you can run another level of VM’s inside those VM’s (this starts to sound like the movie Inception). ...

July 17, 2015 · 5 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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