

August 25, 2023 · 0 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez


I’ve been involved with a number of projects, some of which are listed below. @Redken_bot in Telegram Linux System Administration 9 and Linux System Administration 8 RISU Issue identification on systems/sosreports Other pets at Github

January 17, 2020 · 1 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez


Redken Manual This document contains some information about regular Redken usage and some advanced settings. Introduction By default, new groups where the bot is added are just ready to start being used. General usage and features: word++ to add karma word-- to remove karma reply to message with ‘++’, ‘–’ or ‘==’ to add or remove karma to the user of the replied message or to the same words that were used /quote add username text to add a quote for a given username with the following text as the message /quote username to retrieve a random quote for that username....

March 4, 2019 · 8 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez


Who am I? My name is Pablo and I’ve been working with Open Source since before I started university. Part of my evolution with Open Source is described in this article Linux. Since 2006 I work for Red Hat, where I started as a Dedicated Enterprise Engineer (Onsite Consultant) for a country-wide retail company with headquarters in Valencia. After two more years of visiting the biggest customers in the country, I moved to the Technical Account Manager role, where I was in charge of handling the relationship with some assigned Strategic Customers....

June 2, 2016 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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