Jekyll and Markdown

For my work I’ve been using markdown for a while, it allows to use some formatting on the documents created (mainly for knowledge base and solutions) without too much hassle for the formatting. On the other side I was willing to improve the ability to make it easier to post new entries to blog without having to wait too much time, and of course, be able to prepare them offline and then push them live. ...

March 16, 2015 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

RHEV/oVirt API with Python

RHEV/oVirt API allows faster and simple development of scripts and utilities ranging from gathering of information to VM/host, etc manipulation. For example, a simple script for connecting to API and list VM’s could be: import sys import getopt import optparse import os import time from ovirtsdk.api import API from ovirtsdk.xml import params from random import choice baseurl = "https://localhost:8443" api = API(url=baseurl, username="admin@internal", password="redhat", insecure=True) for vm in api.vms.list(): print( The .list() method works pretty well, but beware, it limits collections to 100 elements for performance reasons, so in those cases, we’ll need to check how many results do we have, and paginate by passing an extra argument to our “.list()” invocation, for example: ...

October 24, 2012 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

duplicity for managing backups

A few days ago, I was checking a friend’s system for backing up. It was based on rsync at the Linux side and rsync server on a windows machine he uses for storing information generated by other software. The solution with rsync worked pretty well for him until he started to put several strange characters in filenames which rendered the backup unusable to certain point. After being asked for alternative backup software that was available on several platforms, I’ve ended testing duplicity. ...

June 27, 2011 · 1 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Firsts steps with Fedora 15 pre-alpha

Today I’ve decided to give it a try to F15-prealpha (expected to release tomorrow). The upgrade performed in the unsupported way (getting and forcing install for newer fedora-release from a mirror then start issuing several yum upgrades) when reasonably good. Only some minor dependency problems et voilà, system started fine. Problems so far: Firefox 4 has a few approved extensions, I used the “nightly tester tools” to disable version check and enable most of the ones I had with 3.6.x without problems. Don’t like gnome-shell at the moment Desktop icons disappeared… Menu bar is black and found no way to configure it yet Gnome-applets have some dependency problems and can’t install or configure them, furthermore I lost my tray area on one of the computers but works fine on the other. I hope that tomorrow’s release of Alpha will fix some of them in order to warm-up for final launch (… ...

March 7, 2011 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Customize RHEL/CentOS installation media (EL4/EL5+)

Introduction A standard install media, (let’s talk about a DVD for easier start) has several files/folders at his root, but most important are: isolinux (where the loader lives) images (for extra files for installer to load) Packages for installation (RedHat/ for EL4, Server/Client for EL5) Usually, a distribution has, for its main binaries, more than 2 gigabytes of data, that enables one target to act as a multifunction server/workstation, but that you will not usually load on the same system. Furthermore, since the DVD creation, there have been so many updates/patches that make your installation a ‘outdated’ install that you’ll need to upgrade to have recent patches. ...

January 23, 2010 · 5 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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