imapfilter for Gmail

Until two weeks ago I was using an IMAP server (based on Zimbra) for my work email, but the date for migration to Gmail arrived with no choice to postpone… I was very tied to using my current setup, where: offlineimap was downloading all the email to a local maildir folder, imapfilter classified the email into folders based on local options mutt accessed the maildir folder for working with the emails a script to remove duplicate emails from disk before next sync But, with the change and peculiarities for Gmail, it was no longer working… I was trying several times with different combinations of folder translations but each one took approximately one day to sync all emails, to find out the next issue with the folder translation. ...

July 7, 2021 · 5 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Filtering email with imapfilter

Since some time ago, email filter management was not scaling for me as I was using server-side filtering, I had to deal with the web-based interface which was missing some elements like drag&drop reordering of rules, cloning, etc. As I was already using offlineimap to sync from the remote mail server to my system into a maildir folder, I had almost all the elements I needed. After searching for several options imapfilter seemed to be a perfect fit, so I started with a small set of rules and start integration with my email process. ...

August 28, 2015 · 6 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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