Setting up WireGuard is not a difficult process but I wanted to automate it among hosts by using a simple playbook that can be executed against the hosts and get it configured and deployed in a simple way.

I also wanted to require the minimum possible number of values in the inventory, so tried to automate lot of the information required, leaving in the end only some required values:

wireguard: True
wgrole: 'master' or 'something else'
wgport: port number to use

The first step was to create the private and public key once the wireguard package is installed.

This was more or less easy, just run and store the output in the folder for WireGuard.

# Create private key
wg genkey | tee privatekey

# Create public key
wg  pubkey < privatekey | tee publickey

Later, I could set via Ansible’s set_fact:

- name: Set WireGuard keys
    wgprivatekey: "{{ lookup('file', 'privatekey') }}"
    wgpublickey: "{{ lookup('file', 'publickey') }}"

But I got to the first problem… the facts are set by the host running the playbook, and for setting master/client connection I need to use the master’s public key available on the client, and the client’s public key on the master.

As the fact was setup at execution, other hosts couldn’t check them via hostvars

To solve this issue I went by creating a custom fact that is copied over the hosts, and that causes the host to refresh if something has been copied, this made the fact available in the execution:

Facts for private key:

echo "{\"wgprivkey\" : \"$(cat /etc/wireguard/privatekey)\"}"

Fact for public key:

echo "{\"wgpubkey\" : \"$(cat /etc/wireguard/publickey)\"}"

Note that both, provide output in a JSON compatible format.

We now need to copy the facts to the hosts and refresh the data if needed:

- name: Create directory for ansible custom facts
    state: directory
    recurse: yes
    path: /etc/ansible/facts.d
  register: facts_dir_created

- name: Copy custom facts
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: /etc/ansible/facts.d/
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755
    - "facts/*.fact"
  register: facts_copied

- name: "Re-run setup to use custom facts"
  setup: ~
  when: facts_copied.changed

Now… all hosts have the facts for private and public key so that can be used… but we need to actually create WireGuard configuration file for it… but wait… we need to know which host is the master that will receive all connections from the clients.

So, let’s detect the master by the wgrole value:

- name: Set wireguard master server host
    wgmaster: "{{ item }}"
  with_items: "{{ groups.all }}"
  when: hostvars[item].wgrole is defined and hostvars[item].wgrole == 'master' and wireguard == True

Above task will loop across all hosts, check for the wgrole defined and equal to master (with wireguard enabled), and set the wgmaster fact to the hostname.

We will also need to calculate the IP to use for the master and the client in a private range… so let’s just get the number of item in the list for this:

- name: Calculate IP for host
    wgip: "10.0.0.{{ lookup('ansible.utils.index_of', groups.all, 'eq', inventory_hostname) }}"

Now, each host will get a ‘fact’ wgip with the content similar to that we can use to connect them.

So… we should have all the information to create the configuration file for each client host:

- name: Create configuration file for client
    dest: "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf"
    mode: 0644
    content: |
      ListenPort = {{ wgport }}
      PrivateKey = {{ ansible_local.wgprivkey.wgprivkey }}

      PublicKey = {{ hostvars[wgmaster].ansible_local.wgpubkey.wgpubkey }}
      AllowedIPs = {{ hostvars[wgmaster].wgip }}/32
      Endpoint = {{ hostvars[wgmaster].inventory_hostname }}:{{ hostvars[wgmaster].wgport }}
  when: wireguard == True and wgrole is defined and wgrole != 'master'

In above example, check that we use hostvars with the wgmaster value we obtained, in order to fill-in the values for the master, and make use of ansible_local to grab the values that our custom facts generated.

So far, it has been more or less easy… the problem is that in the master, we need to build a base section ([Interface]) and then, ad the client section ([Peer]) with the client’s public key and the IP of the client.

Next, let’s check the one for the master:

- name: Create configuration file for master
    dest: "/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf"
    mode: 0644
    content: |
      ListenPort = {{ wgport }}
      PrivateKey = {{ hostvars[wgmaster].ansible_local.wgprivkey.wgprivkey }}

      {%- for item in hostvars -%}
      {% if hostvars[item].wgrole is defined and hostvars[item].wgrole != 'master' %}

      PublicKey = {{ hostvars[item].ansible_local.wgpubkey.wgpubkey }}
      AllowedIPs = {{ hostvars[item].wgip }} /32
      Endpoint = {{ hostvars[item].inventory_hostname }}:{{ hostvars[item].wgport }}

      {% endif %}
      {%- endfor -%}

  when: wireguard == True and wgrole is defined and wgrole == 'master' and item == wgmaster
    - all

More or less, the logic should be clear… we iterate over all the hosts with wireguard: True and wgrole not master to add their section…. and this only runs on the master host, a the clients would have get the previous task instead.

Of course, extra tasks would be needed for:

  • Bringing service up
  • Open firewall ports
  • etc.

Hope you liked it!, it got me busy for some time until all pieces matched together :)

Enjoy! (and if you do, you can Buy Me a Coffee )