Automating SSH keys loading for Ansible usage
For using Ansible it’s required to have a working set of ssh-keys already deployed. If you get a set of systems that have not been provisioned by you and are missing the SSH keys, having it fixed might take a while if doing it manually. Good news is that you can use a script in expect to cover this part: #!/usr/bin/expect -f # set Variables set password [lrange $argv 0 0] set ipaddr [lrange $argv 1 1] # now connect to remote system spawn ssh-copy-id root@$ipaddr match_max 100000 # Check for initial connection (add key of host) set timeout 5 expect "yes/no" { send -- "yes\r" } # Check for password prmpt set timeout 120 # Look for passwod prompt expect "password:" { send -- "$password\r" } # send blank line (\r) to come back send -- "\n" expect eof This script, when used like:...