Kernel Module Management testing

Following on the Using Kcli to prepare for OCM testing, we’re going to prepare KMM testing in Hub-Spoke approach. First we need to prepare our .docker/config.json with the contents of our OpenShift pull secret used with Kcli. mkdir -p ~/.docker/ cp openshift_pull.json ~/.docker/config.json Warning advisories Note Semi-scripted version available at Warning We’re using pre-release bits of the software, that’s why we need to define a custom catalog for both the Hub and the Spokes....

January 19, 2023 · 6 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Enable Libvirt rw socket on RHEL9

RHEL9 by default uses read-only socket which is not usable by some tools like Kcli… to enable it use: systemctl enable --now libvirtd.socket libvirtd-ro.socket systemctl stop libvirtd.service systemctl enable --now virtproxyd.socket virtproxyd-ro.socket systemctl stop virtproxyd.service

January 12, 2023 · 1 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Using Kcli to prepare for Open Cluster Management testing

Kcli allows to quickly interact with different virtualization platforms to build machines with some specific configurations, and via the use of plans it allows to automate most of the setup required to have an environment ready. In our case, let’s setup an environment to practice with Open Cluster Management but instead of using kind clusters, let’s use VM’s. Note We’ll require to setup an openshift_pull.json file for Kcli to consume when accessing the required resources for this to work....

December 23, 2022 · 5 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

[python] Generate ranges from items

Some years ago, I added a script for updating headers for (C) in the python files I was developing for Risu. In this way, the header got the list of authors and years working on the files updated automatically. With the pass of the years, the list started to became a bit too long, so I worked on creating code for getting ranges instead. This is the code I used:...

November 25, 2022 · 2 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez

Automate code build and deployment with ansible

Let’s say that we want to keep our system updated with some code which is not distributed as a regular package, but as a code in a repository (which unfortunately, it’s a pretty common situation). As a part of the ansible playbooks used for the hosts, I can add a snippet like this: gitrepos: - { url: "", tag: "tagtocheckout", folder: "/root/path-for-check-out", chdir: "subdir to enter", build: "make build", exec: "build/mybuiltbinary", } With this definition in the host inventory, we can then in our playbook to perform several steps:...

November 9, 2022 · 3 min · Pablo Iranzo Gómez
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